Great Music Brought to you by Bicycle

Check it out, the Ditty Bops have ridden their bikes here from L.A. and they're playing at Mad Art (the old jail in Soulard that's now an art gallery FRIDAY NIGHT, that's July 28th! Opening will be Maid*Rite, the gals who played country at the midwest mountain bike festival in April.

Go to the their blog and read about their adventures getting here by bike and hybrid vehicle, and whatever they had to eat that day. Click around on their really good website and find lots of pictures and stuff. More importantly, you can listen their music and see if it's your cup of tea, kind of retro swing jazz type stuff. Same for Maid*Rite's page too.

Also this weekend, Bad Folk with The Monads on Saturday night at the Schlafly Taproom. The Monads stole the show at the MMBF and Bad Folk is great too, think Split Lip Rayfield and Uncle Wilco or something, but different, rock music played on country instruments. Plus it'll be cheap, small, unpretentious, and have better beer. Both bands are great live. This will be an awesome show. [update: Also on the bill is Angry Panda, and the show goes from 8:00pm to midnight or so.]

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