Which Line Would You Take?

This is the spot on the trail at Big Bear where Rockboy broke his chain. The picture was taken looking against the flow of the trail. The line over the roots was the original trail, but proved to be a lot trickier than most riders were willing to chance, especially with the damp conditions. There were usually about 10-20 spectators here waiting for the carnage. Once the alternate line wore in, it wasn't quite as interesting.
So, which would you choose; the fast, straight shot over the roots with the risk of your front tire sliding and running you into one of the trees, or the safer, wider one which forced you to slow down?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I will comment since I was there.
What Terbo said. Where ever the trail takes ya.
I always attempt to hit the root line but the flow into it makes it hard to hit if you are motoring. I rode the alt line in practice by accident and it sucked. I hit the alt line a my night lap cause I was overshooting the turn and endoed landing at two drunk ladies feet still clipped in. Hard to ride away from cold beer and a lawn chair. I vote for the roots cause they rock.